We have just procured a series of books on the topics from data analysis, earth science and ecology to environmental economics and fluid mechanics.
As part of project activities we have procured the following literature, which will be used by our project team as well as students and collaborators:
1. Molecular Mechanisms of Photosynthesis
2. Principles and Standards for Measuring Primary Production
3. Ocean Biogeochemical Dynamics
4, Frequency Analyses of Natural Extreme Events A Spreadsheets Approach
5. Extreme Value Modeling and Risk Analysis Methods and Applications
6. Extreme Events Observations, Modeling, and Economics
7. An Introduction to Ecological Economics
8. Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
9. Introduction to modern economic growth
10. Introduction to Python in Earth Science Data Analysis
11. Python for Economic Analysis: Unleashing the Power of Data Science
12. Fluid Mechanics
13. Python for the Life Sciences: A Gentle Introduction to Python for Life Scientists
14. Python for Data Analysis: Data Wrangling with pandas, NumPy, and Jupyter
15. Our Fragile Moment: How Lessons from Earth's Past Can Help Us Survive the Climate Crisis
16. Applied Geospatial Data Science with Python
17. Applied Time Series Analysis and Forecasting with Python
18. Introduction to Quantitative Ecology: Mathematical and Statistical Modelling for Beginners
19. Stochastic Climate Models
20. Ecological Geography of the Sea
21. Fluid Mechanics for Marine Ecologists
22. Discovering the Ocean from Space: The unique applications of satellite oceanography
23. Introduction to Remote Sensing
24. Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation
25. Mathematical Biology: I. An Introduction
26. Mathematical Biology II: Spatial Models and Biomedical Applications
27. Mathematical Ecology of Populations and Ecosystem
The books cover a range of topics: from data analysis, earth science and ecology to environmental economics and fluid mechanics and will be a valuable asset for our project team..