During 25th till 27th June Shubha Sathyendranath and Žarko Kovač attended the Annual meeting of the CBIOMES project at the Simons Foundation in New York.
More information about the meeting can be found here. Both Žarko Kovač and Shubha Sathyendranath gave plenary talks.
The first talk, given by Žarko and titled Spectral wars, competition, chaos... but in the end a conservation law?!, gave an overview of historical developments in dynamical models of primary production.
The second talk, given by Shubha and titled Modeling primary production for remote sensing and ecosystem simulations, gave an overview of the current state of primary production representations in biogeochemical and remote sensing models.
During the meeting Žarko Kovač also presented a poster titled Reconstructing in situ time series of primary production, describing the recent work on the PHOTOCLIM project. The coauthors on the poster are Anja Kovač, Marin Vojković and Shubha Sathyendranath. Continuous in situ time series of primary production are a valuable resource for studying the response of primary production to climate change. However, such time series are scarce, numbering less than ten globally. Reasons for such a small number of time series is due to many factors, of which consistency in funding over decades is arguably the strongest constraint. Despite this, some of the time series are ongoing and are approaching length scales which are appropriate to study climate signals. However, data accessibility to these time series is a strong obstacle. Whilst some of the time series do have online interfaces which enable ease of access to data, others do not. Arguably, this significantly hampers their usage in oceanographic research, as considerable effort needs to go into obtaining such data. To address this issue and to facilitate ease of access to in situ time series of primary production we have started to collect such time series. The overall goal of this undertaking is to have a publicly available data base of in situ primary production time series complemented with all the statistical tools needed for data analysis. The statistical tools will be made available online along with the date sets.